Pressure Vessel Inspections

Including Autoclaves, Air Receivers & Steam Generators
The Pressure Systems Safety Regulations 2000 cover the legal obligations of owners and users of autoclaves and pressure systems. The regulations apply to all systems that include pressure vessels and contain gas or liquefied gas at a pressure in excess of 0.5 bar above atmospheric pressure and steam at any pressure.
Aiming to assist customers in complying with their statutory duties, we will produce the Written Scheme of Examination (WSE) and carry out the necessary preparation and inspection of the pressure system. Where the client arranges examinations through a separate insurance company or other nominated ‘competent person’, we will help meet the legal obligations by providing experienced technicians to disassemble and prepare equipment for its examination, carry out hydrostatic pressure tests and return the autoclave to full service on completion.
Where an electrically heated steam generator forms part of the pressure system it is likely that it to will require examinations under the written scheme. Again, we will prepare, descale and clean as appropriate for its examination and return it to service on completion.
The HSE publish a very useful document explaining user and owners responsibilities under PSSR, a copy of which can be downloaded here..
For further information please click here